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Have you played.... Later Alligator?

A snappy comedy

I'm such a sucker for cartoony animation in games. I’ll play anything that looks like it’s been lovingly hand-drawn and bonus points if the animation is deece. Later Alligator is one such game I picked up for that very reason as the goofy gators in the game’s trailer and screenshots initially caught my attention. The animation is great for sure, but one thing I was not expecting is how funny and utterly charming this point-and-click adventure is.

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Alligator New York City (that’s legit what it’s called) is bustling with activity. There are alligator shopkeepers, alligator musicians, alligators hanging out windows, walking on the pavements, chilling in the park - there's so much going on it makes you want to click on everything and everyone. There are, no joke, 100 alligators in this game, of which 30 will have mini-games for you to play. It’s mini-game heaven up in here.

Having a chin wag and indulging in the mini-games of the city’s reptile residents is vital as your ultimate goal is to solve a city-wide reptile conspiracy. Your role is one of a P.I hired by an adorable gator lad named Pat, who brings this devious plot to your attention.

A Later Alligator character portrait of The Knife, an alligator with slick black hair and an eye patch.

As with any mystery, you’ll bounce back and forth between characters as you investigate, and thanks to the game’s kooky character design, keeping track of who’s who after speaking to the 99th alligator is never a chore. I remember exactly who Nana Rue is because of her bright purple hair, flamboyant fur coat, and that she beat my butt at Old Maid. Slick Ricky? Oh yeah, he was the scamp with the backward red cap, white tank top, and cheap gold wristwatch. Tall Jared is the, well, tall alligator and I'll always remember who the ‘The Knife’ is because he’s basically Yakuza's best boy Majima in alligator form.

But yeah, I started playing Later Alligator for the cool animation, and stayed for the weird alligator people and bad puns.

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