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I want my grandparents to like video games

Previous gen

This weekend I went to visit my family. This included seeing my maternal grandparents, who I have shamefacedly not seen for an extremely long time. And this, in turn, then included explaining my job. My grandparents remember the Blitz, so the base concept of video games is kind of a weird one for them. I want them to love games as much as I do, but this currently seems like a bit of a pipe dream.

Then there are my parents, who do kind of understand video games, but in the remote way that means my dad recently sent me email with no subject or content, apart from a link to an article in the Telegraph. An MRI scan has proven that gaming addiction is linked to depression. I am not sure if he sent me that link because he is gravely concerned for me or as a kind of “Na-na, games are rubbish!” gotcha.

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