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In which the cowboy game is subtle by accident

Still gnawing away at that bone

Hi, hello, howiya. Sorry to keep writing about the cowboy game, but we’ve all been playing it. We even mentioned it a bit on the podcast this week. John said it feels like a burden, which I can agree with. It’s a very big game and it cost me a not inconsiderable amount of money, so despite still finding it quite boring I am compelled to play it out of a sense of duty to my own wallet. The cowboy about my neck was hung.

I don’t like talking to my gang mates, I don’t like how the game has a moral system and then railroads you into stealing from people or shooting up an entire town as part of the story, and I don’t like anyone in my gang -- with the exception of that nice old man who as far as I am concered might as well be holding a big sign saying ‘I WILL DIE AT SOME POINT AND YOU WILL FIND IT AFFECTING’. My other friends all love it, so I am a giant stick in the beautifully rendered mud.

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