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Last Epoch's 1.0 release patch arrives with a full offline mode, Warlocks and controller support

The changelog is only 32 pages long!

Several elemental spells are cast at once on enemies in a grassy field setting in Last Epoch
Image credit: Eleventh Hour Games

Last Epoch, a Diablo-like action-RPG from Eleventh Hour Games that's been in early access since 2019, finally arrives tomorrow as a full release. And to celebrate, there's a colossal 1.0 update that could take you an hour to read in its entirety. To spare you the time commitment, its highlights include new Acolyte and Rogue masteries, new Item Factions, a full offline mode, controller support, and plenty of visual tweaks.

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Topping the list are the two new masteries: Warlock and Falconer. You'll unlock both of these new additions once you've maxed out the Acolyte and Rogue base classes. Katharine's already decided she's going to beeline for the Falconer, a fast-paced assassin who fights alongside a feathered pal. While the Warlock wields curse magic, with one spell that ruptures the earth, then uses the spine of your enemies to lash foes. I'm sold.

You'll also get to choose between two new Item Factions: the Circle Of Fortune or the Merchant's Guild. The Circle's for players who aren't into the idea of trading with other players as much, so will earn passive loot benefits as you rise within its ranks. While the Merchant's Guild is all about trading between players, with more reputation meaning greater opportunities to trade powerful items. Both neat ways to accommodate two types of player, of which I am very much the, "Don't talk to me" type.

Elsewhere, you've got full controller support for folks who'd rather spam abilities on a pad, a full offline mode for those moments you don't have internet access, and "seasonal variance" to add some rainy, autumnal or summery spice to outdoor excursions.

You can read the full 32-page set of patch notes over on Last Epoch's official page. The patch will be available to download in a few hours at 5pm UK time, 11am Chicago time, 6pm Paris time and 9am Los Angeles time. Look out for our full Last Epoch review sometime soon.

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