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Nate's Menagerie

No claws for concern

As some of you may be aware by now, I’m really interested in animals. I like all of them, but I’m most into freshwater wildlife, crustaceans, unusual invertebrates, amphibians, and… look, I’m into a bunch of stuff, OK? And I like the weird animals most of all.

I’m also really interested in artificial habitats, by which I mean terrariums and aquariums. I wrote my masters dissertation on the history of the glass aquarium, and I spent a good part of my early professional life working at reptile shops, aquariums and zoos. From time to time in my life, this interest has followed me home, and I’ve kept a number of strange little creatures in my life.

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Nate Crowley avatar
Nate Crowley: Nate Crowley was created from smokeless flame before the dawn of time. He writes books, and tweets a lot as @frogcroakley. Each October he is replaced by Ghoastus, the Roman Ghost.
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