Other famous literary properties the BBC is going to let Moffat and Gatiss adapt after Dracula
I spent almost five hours watching the BBC's three part adaptation of Dracula, the latest chapter in that institution's seemingly endless quest to let Steven Moffat - and now by association Mark Gatiss - do whatever they want. And honestly: this has to be stopped. We are all complicit at this point.
This isn't even me being a big grumpy gills, either: even people who liked the first two episodes had to admit that the third one was bad. Not even, like, fun bad, just bad, a meandering mess that ends abruptly in a wet splat - essentially the televisual equivalent of a sneeze. I 'spose it's not all bad. Claes Bang, in addition to having the greatest name in the world, is very good. I can only hope he was provided free physiotherapy after filming wrapped, 'cos he must have fully done his back in carrying the whole show, hey-oh!
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