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Reaching the end of FAR: Changing Tides was like shaking hands with my pre-pandemic past

Hey 2018, how are you doing? (spoilers ahead)

Last week I took a bit of holiday to, you know, catch up on some housework, have a bit of a rest and, to change the habit of a lifetime, play some video games. I knew straight away what would be first up on my video game playlist: FAR: Changing Tides, the sequel to Okomotive's beautifully melancholy roadtrip adventure, FAR: Lone Sails. While Changing Tides tells a separate story to its predecessor, putting you in the shoes of a new protagonist and swapping its desolate wastelands for a watery seascape, the hot, beating core powering the game remains very much the same. With nothing left for you at home in the wake of an unknown disaster, it's time to pack up and head on out for a new beginning, with only your hulking great boat/steamtrain contraption for company.

If you still haven't played FAR: Changing Tides, I'd urge you to stop reading now and come back later. There are big spoilers about the game's ending coming up in this article, and I really don't want to ruin that for you. So, fair warning, okay? If you're still here I'm assuming you've played and finished Changing Tides, because holy moly, isn't it just the most perfect thing?

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Katharine Castle avatar
Katharine Castle: Katharine was RPS' editor-in-chief from 2021 to 2024. She first joined the team in 2017 as their hardware editor, and she continues to play pretty much anything she can get her hands on. She's very partial to JRPGs and the fetching of quests, but also loves strategy and turn-based tactics games and will never say no to a good Metroidvania.
In this article

Far: Changing Tides

PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC

Far: Lone Sails

Nintendo Switch

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