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Ring Fit Adventure has revealed terrible things about me

More like UNfit adventure

Listen, I know I am unfit. I get out of breath walking up the three flights of stairs to my flat. It is not news to me. Whenever anyone (medical professionals, family, etc.) mention that I need to exercise more, or that exercise is good for me, it's not like I am unaware of that fact. I am an adult and have been told how much exercise to do and fruit to eat for most of my life. I just choose to not do anything about it because I don't enjoy exercise. I don't even get a kind of satisfaction from having done it. It genuinely feels like wasted time to me, when I could have been reading a book or whatever else.

Happily, a side effect of having a chronic bowel disease that has recently flared up a bit means that I have actually lost weight during the lockdown so far, although this is obviously less an indication that I am healthy and more an indication of the opposite. Anyway, following a successful eBay auction my flat now has one (1) copy of Ring Fit Adventure. And while I knew I was unfit, I was unprepared for how appallingly unfit Ring Fit Adventure has proven I am.

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