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Screenshot Saturday Mondays: animals cute and deadly

Staring at interesting upcoming indie games

Every weekend, indie devs show off current work on Twitter's #screenshotsaturday tag. And every Monday, I bring you a selection of these snaps and clips. This week, my eye has been caught by several cute and unexpectedly deadly animals, as well a place which is not a place of honor, a Bitcoin hellscape, and of course more grappling hook ultraviolence.

At first I thought Dan DeEntremont was simply showing off some pretty fur effects but oh, OH NO!

Speaking of cute violence, here's a cat attack from narrative adventure game Cats And The Other Lives:

I dig the Windows Media Player skin/Kai's Power Tools vibes of the UI in handgun horde survival shooter Splatter:

Polish cyberpunk immersive sim Peripeteia is here channelling the concrete thorn fields and "this place is not a place of honor" mood of long-term nuclear waste storage warnings:

Some Attack On Titan-y, superhero-ish, anime-as-heck airborne action in this yet-unnamed game from a solo dev:

As unhappy as the concept of a world brought to apocalypse by Bitcoin mining makes even me, the world's foremost NFT-themed cyberpunk young adult novelist, I do like the catastrophe and infrastucture of Roadless:

A lovely glide through an origami world in Splanc:

A curious mix of styles in Algernon, a game about escaping a coma with the help of an AI implant:

The makers of Askaya: Remnants Of Ajuna document a vital part of the development process: downtime. And what downtime it is!

But is it really Screenshot Saturday without at least one high-speed grappling hook ultraviolence FPS? Here's Hell Glider, where the grappling hook is a noose:

Let's close out on a fun note by looping back to cute animals with an animation bug from racoon stealth game Snaccoon:

What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?

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