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Tatsuya Tanaka's latest Miniature Calendar is the best one yet

Small world

I can't remember when I first stumbled upon photographer Tatsuya Tanaka, but his Miniature Calendar series on Twitter always brings me joy. There's just something innately satisfying in seeing him appropriate modern, everyday objects and turning them into new fantastical landscapes for his seemingly endless supply of miniature model people. They're mostly fairly mundane scenes, such as using jacket zips transforming into freight train lines or pencil shavings as the floor of a bamboo forest, but occasionally he'll spice things up a bit by dipping into Dragon Ball, Super Mario and other game series, which never fail to make me smile (his "Smashroom" Street Fighter work is an absolute masterpiece).

His entry for March 17th, however, is arguably his finest work yet. I present to you "Hubway", a motherboard turned subway station.

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Katharine Castle: Katharine was RPS' editor-in-chief from 2021 to 2024. She first joined the team in 2017 as their hardware editor, and she continues to play pretty much anything she can get her hands on. She's very partial to JRPGs and the fetching of quests, but also loves strategy and turn-based tactics games and will never say no to a good Metroidvania.
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