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The living monsters Little Nightmares 2 are scarier than the dead ones in The Medium

Out of the minds of babes

So, the last couple of things I reviewed were both horror games: Little Nightmares 2 and The Medium. They're also both a slightly different kind of horror game. Most games that style themselves as psychological horror, I have found, are actually mostly jump scares, with the psychological aspect provided by either some tentacles or cornices that look a bit genital, or the scattered pages of a diary detailed a woman's descent into madness because of something her husband and/or children did.

Little Nightmares 2 and The Medium are both actually genuinely trying to mine psychological themes for their horror - indeed, in the latter you actually go and have a root around in a person's subconscious at some points - but as I observed in my review of The Medium, it didn't really scare me at all. Little Nightmares 2 did.

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