Alice is at GDC, which is why it falls to me to ask in her place: WATYPWPATWPAWAPTPYPWAWPAPTPTP this weekend? If you need time to think about it, you can peruse our own selections below, with Joe and Medoly kindly standing in for Adam and Pip as they have done all week.
Joe: This weekend I’m heading to the Isle of Mull for a rescheduled trip that Storm Gertrude made impossible back in January. I’ve never been before, but I’ve heard it’s lovely. I can’t wait to relax in a tranquil setting, converse with some of the friendly locals, cook some delicious meals, do a spot of fishing, and perhaps even a little bit of farming. Of course I’ll be doing all of this in
Stardew Valley on my laptop, while the real world outside passes me by.
Alec: I'm still bludgeoning my way (and tearing up my shins, as I had to trick the system into thinking I have more space than I do in order to use it) through Vive games and demos. It's time to stop drawing massive neon space-cocks in Tilt Brush and try out Fantastic Contraptions physics oddities, for instance. I'm also told that Universe Sandbox ² has a rudimentary but mighty impressive VR mode. Haven't tried out
Elite Dangerous on a VR headset with a usable resolution yet, either. There's a ton of stuff to dabble with even before this thing is released to the world: I guess I'm going to be overwhelmed come April.
Melody: I help run a guild in Final Fantasy XIV, so I'll surely spend at least a couple of hours being a catgirl. For me it's as much a game as it is a place to hang out with friends so it doesn't really get tiring even after months. I've also rediscovered the joy of jolly cooperation in Orcs Must Die 2, but this annoying debuff called "Getting a degree in Philosophy" is severely limiting my time.
Graham: I installed
Black Desert Online five days ago and have yet to boot it up; I haven't been back to The Division since last week and I'm craving it; and I'm pretty sure that Stardew Valley will be playable remotely over Chrome Remote Desktop, so I'm keen to give that a shot. But in all likelihood I won't play anything because I'll be too busy mucking around in Game Maker.
John: [Last week reader lowprices heard tell of John's activities. "I heard a rumour that John was at GDC, roaming the halls in a coat made of skin, picking his teeth with his favourite gutting knife and bellowing “I HUNGER” at passers-by." Is it true? Is John now headed east at a terrifying pace, headed who-knows-where? Sound the alarm and warn us of your sightings below.]
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?