Saturday night's alright for fighting, I'm told, and to be honest I would be fascinated to see Elton John fighting. I bet he's way scrappier than you might expect.
What are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're clicking on.
Adam: I'm going to be playing the Universe mode on
WWE 2K18 and trying to figure out if it's much of an upgrade on 2K17 and 2K16 and 2K15. Initial impressions suggest not!
More importantly, I'm hoping to finish The Evil Within 2 which is wonderful and grisly and splendid and horrible.
Alec: [Alec has been fired -ed.]
Alice: I'm on holiday next week, taking an exotic staycation to the living room to sleep for a week. I'm forcing myself to do nothing, just be quiet and hopefully calm. Though obviously I'm playing Isaac and probably Plunkbat too.
Brendan: I'm being reunited with my girlfriend and cat this week, who've been trapped in Canada. I have to introduce this cat to a giant, over-excited dog called "Odin". If I manage to fit in a game between all this mayhem, it will be the chunky new Zachlike,
Opus Magnum.
Graham: I feel like shooting things, so this weekend I'm going to return to Plunkbat. I've not touched it for a few months, which means there's been all sorts of updates I haven't seen yet. The one I most want to try is the new fog weather variant, which means I'm almost certainly doomed to never encounter it on any of the matches I play.
John: [Also fired! -ed.]
Philippa: This weekend I will be playing Fresh Hits '96 with the top down and the sound up. I will also visit the Emerald City. If there's time I could try to fit in a spot of sketching some Warhammer figurines.
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?