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Call Of Fruity: Aubergine Warfare

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This morning I have been documenting a fruit and vegetable market in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. I think I was supposed to be rescuing a president or something but the shiny fruit looked more interesting. I don't mean that as a sick burn or anything. I just got distracted by some nice fruit.

Piled peaches


Ben found this to be hugely symbolic although he declined to say of what.

As in the garden, so in object collision

Peculiarly in love with the matte finish on the aubergines

I have one of these in my fridge

For some reason you aren't allowed to interact with the lemons


I also made a tiny tribute to Kim Kardashian's sex emoji. It took bloody ages and I had to restart the checkpoint four times because the aubergines and peaches kept not landing quite right and then they disappear after a certain amount it time. LIFE IS DIFFICULT.


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