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Categorising Lilith Odyssey risks missing why you might love it

Good vibrations

Survival games! Oh, the many disparaging remarks I could make if only I had time in between punching rocks and eating an entire deer. It's not often that I recommend one here, and jokes aside, it'd be unfair and untrue to say it's because there aren't enough good ones. It's more that I don't have much room for new ones.

Lilith Odyssey is, if we must, a survival game and a roguelike (oh, the many dispara-[yeah alright, alright. Jesus. - ed.]), but that is reductive. This is a strange and somewhat contradictory game I feel uneasy comparing directly to anything, except possibly the wonderful Taxinaut (which is now on Steam, incidentally). Lilith Odyssey is very much what I'd call a vibes-based game.

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