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Come join our RPS Game Club liveblog for Unpacking this Friday!

We'll be chatting about the cosy puzzle game Friday 28th

A child's bedroom filled with cardboard boxes. One of the boxes is open and toys and nik-naks are placed in the room in Unpacking
Image credit: Witch Beam

This month's Game Club Pick is the wonderfully cosy puzzler Unpacking, so as is Game Club tradition we'll be doing another liveblog chat with you lovely lot Friday 28th at 4pm BST / 8am PDT. If you have opinions about Unpacking, we wanna hear them.

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We'll be chatting about Unpacking's story, level design, our favourite moments, our frustrations, which plushie is the cutest, why the box 'pop' sound is so satisfying - anything that comes to mind. We want to thoroughly unpack this zen puzzle game. I promise I won't go on too much about how I think the boyfriend is the absolute worst. Promise. I've done that in article form now so it's all out of my system... Promise.

So, grab a cuppa and chuck your questions and anecdotes in the chat this Friday. We'd like to hear what you think! There's no pressure to contribute, you can sit back and watch us chat it out. If you'd like to read some good good words about Unpacking, I've chucked our review and some other bits below. It's been a busy month for RPS so might not be as many as usual. But yeah, hopefully, see you Friday!

A fully unpacked artists office in Unpacking, with the RPS Bestest Best award logo overlaid in the top left corner

Unpacking review

In her Unpacking review, AliceB described it as "a lovely story without words", and that it "leaves you room for interpretation, and invites you to be playful. It's absolutely lovely". She also bestowed it with the RPS Bestest Best badge, hell yeah.

A grey and black kitchen with expensive kitchen ware. Several cardboard boxes sit unopened on the floor in Unpacking
Image credit: Humble Games

Unpacking's finance bro boyfriend is the absolute worst

So here's my half-jokey, half-serious rant about the worst character in all of videogame history. I think that's an apt description, no? Regardless, because of the emotions it spured within me and it's fantastic storytelling, I also think it's one of the best levels in the game.

An isometric cutaway of an artist's office in the game Unpacking, with a sophisticated drawing tablet and computer as well as a lot of cute desk toys
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

The little noises in Unpacking help make it a life you can understand

AliceB writes about the joy of Unpacking's sound design, specifically the fact that everything in the game makes a little noise when you place it on a surface or put it away. I couldn't agree with this sentiment more, for me it was the sound of the magnets snapping onto the fridge. Amazing.

A horde of boxes lie unpacked in a kitchen, in Unpacking.
Image credit: Humble Games

Unpacking doesn't let me leave stuff on the floor and I feel personally attacked

Ed writes about the stresses of Unpackig not letting you leave objects on the floor, which I wasn't entirely convinced was an argument until he made the point of seeing "the floor as one enormous shelf" and now I can't stop thinking about that.

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