Gaming Gifs That Make Me Grin
I like to move it, move it
It was time for a dive back into the TIG forum thread featuring gifs of games being worked on. Some are from games, some are feature ideas or tests or character animations. I like dipping in and seeing these tiny snapshots, either to take me to new games or simply to be lovely things in their own right.
Here are my current favourites:
The above game is Flip Flow
A charming mole from Riv Hester.
BEES! by Forstride
Lovely colour palette on this wilderness shooty gif from LobsterSteve's GBJam game
I rather like the slantyness of this bullet hell project.
This is like having a snowglobe in the middle of a forum thread!
Lovely dice effects for digital role-playing system, TaleSpire.
And a gorgeous hand-animated character from LUNA - The Shadow Dust to finish.
This article was originally written for the RPS Supporter Program.