Review Wot I Think: Elemental – Fallen Enchantress Ceasefire of Magic? Oct. 29, 2012 Adam Smith 105 comments
Feature Impressions: Elemental – Fallen Enchantress Beta "doing a boyband squat" Sept. 26, 2012 Adam Smith 87 comments
Feature Spell It Out: Stardock On Fallen Enchantress Elemental, my dear Watson. June 1, 2011 Jim Rossignol 54 comments
Review Wot I Think: Elemental – Fallen Enchantress Ceasefire of Magic? Oct. 29, 2012 Adam Smith 105 comments
Feature Impressions: Elemental – Fallen Enchantress Beta "doing a boyband squat" Sept. 26, 2012 Adam Smith 87 comments
Feature Spell It Out: Stardock On Fallen Enchantress Elemental, my dear Watson. June 1, 2011 Jim Rossignol 54 comments