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Elemental: Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes: May

Last year's sequel-cum-remake* Fallen Enchantress went some way to redeeming the troubled launch of Stardock's Elemental, but Adam still came out of it thinking that "Elemental feels like it’s a few steps sideways from where I’d like it to be." The journey to make Elemental the strategy-roleplaying accomplishment we'd always isn't over, however - next month sees the release of expandelion Legendary Heroes.

While May 22nd is the official release date, Legendary Heroes has actually been available as paid public beta for a little while now. Hopefully that's been fruitful from a bug-squashing, balance-adjusting point of view. Prices are fairly high - $40 on its own, or $20 if you own Fallen Enchantress. Hopefully that speaks to SUBSTANCE, but we'll find out. Stardock will also be honouring their pledge to make it a freebie for anyone who bought the original Elemental: War of Magic before the bottom-presents hit the fan, though you should already know that (and have had access to the beta) if it applies to you.

What's in Legendary Heroes, then? Well, some legendary heroes, obv. Can't you read or something? There's no big, swooshy, logo-tastic trailer for the expandalone, which is unusual in this day and age, but what Stardock have done instead is post their own lengthy Let's Play. Here's a half hour of a very early version of the game:

Watch on YouTube

As the title of the pack suggests, this is a hero-centric addon. Primarily that means player-selectable traits as your dudes level up, rather than the previous random selection, and the addition of non-human champions, some of which are unlocked via play.

Also in there are "new tactical combat options", more spells, monsters and whatnot, and a new scenario. You know, expansion stuff. More details, and buttons that Stardock would very much like you to press in order to give them your money, over here.

* Important point: I feel as though I'm being objectionably filthy whenever I write 'something cum something', and would like to apologise to anyone offended. But honestly, blame the damn Romans.

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