News Blizzard and Chinese publisher NetEase are parting ways after 14 years The publishing deal between the companies expires in January Nov. 17, 2022 CJ Wheeler 10 comments
News Costs and poor leadership were why Blizzard’s Warcraft 3 reboot bombed Blizzard's vision and Activation's support did not align July 23, 2021 Craig Pearson 10 comments
News Blizzard now offering Warcraft 3: Reforged refunds to anyone who wants one Stop poking meee! Feb. 7, 2020 Alice O'Connor 14 comments
Review Wot I Think - Warcraft 3: Reforged Let slip the crafts of war Feb. 5, 2020 Alice Bell 56 comments
News Blizzard are fixing some Warcraft 3: Reforged problems, but don't expect dramatic changes Welp Feb. 4, 2020 Alice O'Connor 48 comments
News Blizzard own your Warcraft 3: Reforged custom maps, but that's no surprise Oh dear Jan. 31, 2020 Lauren Morton 21 comments
News It's nearly time to save Azeroth again, as Warcraft III: Reforged launches in just a few hours Reign some Chaos Jan. 28, 2020 Imogen Beckhelling 24 comments
News We now know Warcraft III: Reforged’s release date, down to the actual hour Happy New Warcraft Dec. 18, 2019 Craig Pearson 10 comments
News Warcraft III: Reforged's beta is out this week, leading the charge into BlizzCon Rehording Oct. 30, 2019 Craig Pearson 9 comments
News Warcraft 3: Reforged aiming to support all original mods Fingers crossed Nov. 5, 2018 Alice O'Connor 8 comments
News Warcraft III: Reforged revamping Blizzard's classic RTS Ha ha no way Warcraft 3 came out 16 years ago Nov. 2, 2018 Alice O'Connor 33 comments
News Blizzard and Chinese publisher NetEase are parting ways after 14 years The publishing deal between the companies expires in January Nov. 17, 2022 CJ Wheeler 10 comments
News Costs and poor leadership were why Blizzard’s Warcraft 3 reboot bombed Blizzard's vision and Activation's support did not align July 23, 2021 Craig Pearson 10 comments
News Blizzard now offering Warcraft 3: Reforged refunds to anyone who wants one Stop poking meee! Feb. 7, 2020 Alice O'Connor 14 comments
News Blizzard are fixing some Warcraft 3: Reforged problems, but don't expect dramatic changes Welp Feb. 4, 2020 Alice O'Connor 48 comments
News Blizzard own your Warcraft 3: Reforged custom maps, but that's no surprise Oh dear Jan. 31, 2020 Lauren Morton 21 comments
News It's nearly time to save Azeroth again, as Warcraft III: Reforged launches in just a few hours Reign some Chaos Jan. 28, 2020 Imogen Beckhelling 24 comments
News We now know Warcraft III: Reforged’s release date, down to the actual hour Happy New Warcraft Dec. 18, 2019 Craig Pearson 10 comments
News Warcraft III: Reforged's beta is out this week, leading the charge into BlizzCon Rehording Oct. 30, 2019 Craig Pearson 9 comments
News Warcraft 3: Reforged aiming to support all original mods Fingers crossed Nov. 5, 2018 Alice O'Connor 8 comments
News Warcraft III: Reforged revamping Blizzard's classic RTS Ha ha no way Warcraft 3 came out 16 years ago Nov. 2, 2018 Alice O'Connor 33 comments
Review Wot I Think - Warcraft 3: Reforged Let slip the crafts of war Feb. 5, 2020 Alice Bell 56 comments