Video Games starting with E
- E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
- EA Sports FC 24
- EA Sports FC 25
- EA Sports PGA Tour
- Eador: Masters of the Broken World
- Eador. Imperium
- Eagle Flight
- Eagle Island
- Earth 2140
- Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair
- Earth Defense Force 4.1 Wingdiver The Shooter
- Earth Defense Force 5
- Earth Defense Force 6
- Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
- Earth Defense Force: World Brothers
- Earth Of Oryn
- Earth Vs Mars
- Earthblade
- Earthbreakers
- Earthfall
- Earthless
- Earthlock
- Earthworm Jim
- East India Company
- East Van EP
- East Vs West: A Hearts of Iron Game
- Eastshade
- Eastside Hockey Manager
- Eastward
- Eat Girl
- Ebenezer Scrooge and the Invisible World
- EbiTapes
- Echo
- Echo Generation
- Echo of the Waves
- Echo Of The Wilds
- Echo Point Nova
- Echo VR
- Echo Weaver
- Echoplex
- Echostasis
- Eclipsium
- Eco
- Ecosystem
- Ecotone
- Edge
- Edge of Eternity
- Edge of Space
- Effie
- eFootball 2022
- eFootball 2024
- egg is broken. heart is too.
- Eidolon
- Eiyuden Chronicle
- Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
- Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
- El Dorado: The Golden City Builder
- El Hijo
- El Paso, Elsewhere
- El Shaddai: Ascension Of The Metatron
- Elation For The Wonder Box 6000
- Elden Ring
- Elden Ring Nightreign
- Elderborn
- Eldest Souls
- Eldritch
- Eldritch Reanimated
- Elec Head
- Electric Sleep
- Elegy for a Dead World
- Element Space
- Elemental: Fallen Enchantress
- Elemental: War of Magic
- Elex II
- Elite
- Elite Dangerous
- Elite Dangerous: Arena
- Elite Dangerous: Beyond
- Elite Dangerous: Horizons
- Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
- Eliza
- Else Heart Break
- Elsinore
- Elven Legacy
- Emberbane
- Embr
- Emerald City Confidential
- Emily Is Away
- Emily is Away <3
- Emily Is Away Too
- Empathy: Path of Whispers
- Emperor: rise of the middle kingdom
- Empire of Sin
- Empire of the Ants
- Empires of the Undergrowth
- Empyre: Lords of the Sea Gates
- En Garde!
- Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
- Enchain
- Encodya
- End of Nations
- End State
- Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights
- Ender Magnolia
- Enderal: Forgotten Stories
- Enderal: The Shards of Order
- Ending
- Endless Dungeon
- Endless Legend
- Endless Space
- Endless Space 2
- Endling
- Endling - Extinction is Forever
- Endoparasitic
- Endure The Swarm
- Endzone 2
- Endzone: A World Apart
- Enemy Front
- Enemy Starfighter
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
- Energy Hook
- Engare
- English Country Tune
- Engraving
- Enigma Station
- Enotria: The Last Song
- Enshrouded
- Enslaved: Odyssey To The West
- Enter the Chronosphere
- Enter the Gungeon
- Enviro-Bear 2010
- Environmental Station Alpha
- Epanalepsis
- Ephemerid: A Musical Adventure
- Epic Hero Game
- Epic Manager
- Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
- Epic Tavern
- Epistory - Typing Chronicles
- Epitasis
- Ereban: Shadow Legacy
- Erica
- Eriksholm: The Stolen Dream
- Eronoctosis: Put Yourself Together
- Eros Xavier's Love Solutions
- Ersatz
- Escalation Studios
- Escape Academy
- Escape Academy: Escape From Anti-Escape Island
- Escape Dead Island
- Escape From Monkey Island
- Escape From Mystwood Mansion
- Escape from Tarkov
- Escape From Tarkov Arena
- Escape Goat
- Escape Goat 2
- Escape Rosecliff Island
- Escape Simulator
- Escape Simulator 2
- Escape the Omnochronom!
- Esoteric Ebb
- esports
- Essays On Empathy
- Été
- Eternal
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Strands
- Eternal Threads
- Eternights
- Eternity's Child
- Ether Loop
- Ether One
- Etherborn
- Ethereal
- Etherium
- EthrA
- Etos
- Etrian Odyssey
- Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard
- Etrian Odyssey III
- Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection
- Euclidean Skies
- Euro Truck Simulator
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Beyond the Baltic Sea
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Road To The Black Sea
- Euro Truck Simulator 2: Italia
- Euro Truck Simulator 2: Scandinavia
- Europa
- europa universalis
- europa universalis II
- Europa Universalis III
- Europa Universalis IV
- Europa Universalis IV Extreme Edition
- Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
- europa universalis iv: conquest of paradise
- Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
- Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
- Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
- Europa Universalis IV: Emperor
- Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
- Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
- Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
- Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks
- Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
- Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
- Evan's Remains
- Evangeline
- EVE Frontier
- EVE Online
- EVE: Valkyrie
- EVE: Valkyrie - Warzone
- EVE: Vanguard
- Even The Ocean
- Event[0]
- Ever Jane
- Evercore Heroes
- Everdeep Aurora
- Everest VR
- Evergarden
- Evergreen Blues
- Everhood
- Everhood 2
- EverQuest
- EverQuest II
- Everquest Landmark
- Everquest Next
- EverQuest Next Landmark
- Everspace
- Everspace 2
- Evertried
- Everwild
- Everybody's Gone To The Rapture
- Everything
- Everywhere
- Evil Dead: The Game
- Evil Genius
- Evil Genius 2
- Evil West
- Evoland
- Evoland 2: A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder
- Evolutis: Duality
- Evolve
- Evospace
- Ex-Zodiac
- EXAPUNKS: TEC Redshift Player
- Exception
- Executive Assault 2
- Exekiller
- Exhausted Man
- Exit The Gungeon
- Exo One
- Exo Rally Championship
- Exoborne
- Exocraft
- Exodus
- Exogenesis ~Perils of Rebirth~
- Exoprimal
- Expeditions: A MudRunner Game
- Expeditions: Conquistador
- Expeditions: Rome
- Expeditions: Viking
- Exposure
- Exterminator
- Extinction
- Extrasolar
- Extreme Meatpunks Forever