Have You Played... Caesar's Day Off?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
It’s a shame about the Indiana Jones & The Shitty Sequel gag, because apart from dating itself like that free, two-minute browser game Caesar's Day Off is perfect.
Up or down to decide how your dicator's day goes. Approve of a dinner option or a statue choice and you’re loved. Disapprove and –BAM- lion eats the poor shmoe who let you down. Best lion in games? Best lion in games.
It’s a supreme, near-wordless, perfectly short, high comedy riff on choose your own adventure, and I hate writing about it because it a) spoils the gag and b) risks elevating it to something more than just a very, very good gag. Allow yourself two minutes of smiles, and if you moan that it’s in a browser or your alternative OS or application doesn’t support the plugin or whatever, then I really do hope you get eaten by lions.