Have You Played... Cuboy: Back To The Cubeture Era 2?
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Oh my goodness, just play Cuboy: Back To The Cubeture Era 2. It's free, in your web browser. Just play it!
It's so utterly silly, and I love it for existing. Inane nonsense, an adventure game set in a cuboid world with cuboid people, as you, Cuboy, attempt to prevent an evil cube-cat from taking over Cubeathens. In the past. Because of stuff that happened in the first game, which is also free.
It's just unabandoned gibberish, superbly written, deeply peculiar, and satisfyingly put together. The writer, Andrew Dennis, provides sixteen of the game's voices, and does them splendidly.
Saying anything more is to spoil it, really. But just know this is a game which features a harmonising three-headed cube-dog, and a gangsta Zeus.