Have You Played... Galcon Fusion?
I love swarms of things
Have You Played?is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time.
I love swarms of things! Galcon Fusion is about taking over planets by directing an enormous swarm of spaceships in their direction.
Spectacle doesn't always need to come with a polygon count in the millions. Galcon's ships are nothing but single glowing triangles, its planets are nothing but circles, but there is still enormous spectacle in watching those ships fly across single-screen solar systems and pound into an enemy world. The number on the planet, representing its own complement of ships, trickles down until the planet switches colour and is yours.
There's a multiplayer mode which I have dim memories of playing once or twice, but most of my time in any Galcon game has been spent playing against the computer. The AI is good, and on harder difficulty levels seemingly impossible, but I find it's a game best played on easy mode. Sit back, relax, and watch the swarms do their work.