Have You Played... Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Can't wait for toilet tossers three
"Toss a toilet at your friend today!", goes the Steam blurb. That does rather capture the spirit of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, doesn't it?
It's time for one of those "gosh, aren't you young" moments. This is the first multiplayer shooter I remember playing. I remember dying, all the time, to a friend who got real good at shooting a pistol real fast. Cackling, sometimes, as our radiators collided in mid-air. I'm not sure if I was old enough to truly appreciate the gravity gun for the novelty it was. Back then I'd still have found the blandest assault rifle captivating.
The gravity gun was still the highlight, though. That desperate mid-fight search for something, anything, to fling. The way you'd have to turn your back. And especially the gravity gun duels. Especially especially once you figure out you can sometimes catch projectiles, or punt away whatever crap gets punted at you.
"Toss a toilet at your friend", the blurb should say, "then howl as they toss it back".