Have You Played... The Dagger Of Amon Ra?
Laura Who?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time.
Because I haven't. And I have absolutely no idea how or why that is.
As a kid, I devoured every adventure going. If my dad didn't buy then, his friend Ted would, and they'd swap. And by these means, I'd get my hands on pretty much everything Sierra, LucasArts, Adventure Soft and Westwood made. But to be completely honest, and I'm completely bemused by how this can be, until today I'd never even heard of The Dagger Of Amon Ra.
A Sierra game that has entirely alluded me for decades. So obviously I've immediately bought it from GOG, and am cooing at the screenshots that show that gorgeous hand-painted style that most reminds me of Police Quest III.
So which other Sierra adventures have I somehow entirely missed? Well, admittedly I missed most of their text adventures from the early 80s, and we can brush over the edutainment titles. But when it comes to the graphic adventures from the late 80s onward, not many. Just three. Codename: ICEMAN being one other. And perhaps most pertinently, The Colonel's Bequest, to which The Dagger Of Amon Ra is a sequel. Both made by Kings Quest's Roberta Williams.
I'm completely thrown! Unless a coconut fell on my head, specifically bopping out this one piece of information, I cannot understand how I missed those two games. But I'm sure going to play them now.