Have You Played... They Breathe?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time.
The less you know about They Breathe [official site] the better. Let's say it's a happy game about a frog going on an adventure.
It isn't a happy game about a frog going on an adventure. It's a spooky, weird, creepy game about a frog going on an adventure. If you haven't played it and have managed to avoid someone telling you what it's all about, I'd suggest playing it right now. It's short, I promise it doesn't have any jumpscares, and you'll probably enjoy it.
Essentially, it's an entire game based on that bit where in every platformer (especially Sonic) when the player character drowns really slowly and agonisingly, but with all sorts of other weirdness.