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Indie Royale's Evolved Bundle Emerges Onto Land

Bundle bundle bundlenews! Indie Royale have launched their latest, hoping to soak up the cash for another collection of out-turned pocketed developers. This time it's the Evolved Bundle, because, um, they've called it that. And it's a good-un. In there you've got the utterly splendid puzzler Unmechanical from Talawa Games (check out our review), Tale Of Tales' super-creepy The Path, Fatshark's latest, Krater, Turtle Cream's Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory, and physics puzzler OIO from Uncanny Games. Which I'd say is the best pack they've had in a while.

It's worth it alone for Unmechanical, which I unforgivably forgot to argue into the 2012 Calendar over Christmas, and now want to play right away. As is the way of the Royale, the price for the lot started at $4, and will be driven up or down depending on how much people opt to pay. And if you stick in more than $8 you'll also get a Tim Wright album with remixed WipEout and WipEout 2097 tracks.

Here's the trailer, but be warned, if you've got a headache like mine you'll not appreciate the bass:

Watch on YouTube

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