My Dream Patch Notes For No Man's Sky
One Man's Dreams
I am still playing No Man's Sky. I am still not sure I can justify why I'm still playing No Man's Sky. I've no means to know for how many hours I've played it, as I've a habit of just leaving it on in the background or overnight, so I'm assuming Steam's report of 431 hours is perhaps a little high. But it's dozens. My motivation, I suppose, is more inventory slots, but my reason is really that I find it very calming. Just muddling about, an audiobook on at the same time, gathering resources to get richer for no given reason. But interspersing that calm are my constant frustrations at the incredibly obvious oversights that still dog this game after multiple patches. So below are my dream patch notes for a future update, that would help craft No Man's Sky into the game I really want to be playing.
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