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Nate’s Zoo 2: Forbidden Love

Hot Girl Summer is over; Self-replicating Lizard Fall is here

At the end of August, I invited you - our dear supporters - to join me for a tour of my small but unusual menagerie, featuring shrimps, crabs, an orchid mantis, and a colony of miraculous sapphic geckoes. Well, a few things have changed since then, so perhaps it’s time to lift the curtain and take a look at the beasts once more…

For a start, we now have a house gecko. Not long after I posted the last article, I was doing a bit of cleaning in the crabitat when I noticed a speck of rustly brown movement beside my hand. Before I could react, one of the Mourning Geckos shot up my arm and scaled my body, Shadow-of-the-Colossus-style, before leaping into the gap between the glass tank and the wall.

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Nate Crowley avatar
Nate Crowley: Nate Crowley was created from smokeless flame before the dawn of time. He writes books, and tweets a lot as @frogcroakley. Each October he is replaced by Ghoastus, the Roman Ghost.
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