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Skybound's Clementine comic undoes the hopeful ending of Telltale's The Walking Dead, but in a thoughtful way

Maybe not the Clem we wanted, but the Clem we deserved

A conversation in the RPS Treehouse the other day reminded me that there is only one game I have ever completed for the first time and then finished again, all within the span of a week. That game was The Walking Dead: The Final Season.

Having played all three previous seasons of Telltale's choose-your-own-zombie-apocalypse tearjerker (plus the 400 Days DLC and the Michonne spin-off), it's no surprise that I was incredibly invested in Clementine's story by The Final Season. I'm not a big kid person, typically, but you'd have to be beyond heartless not to love little Clem, wouldn't you? Even though, by the time TFS rolls around, she's grown into medium-sized Clem, and is a bit bloody scary to boot.

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