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Have You Played... Supercars International?

Training day

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

Supercars International, the DOS version of Amiga hit Super Cars II, was and is worth playing for one reason: there's a train rushing across one of the tracks and it will crush the crap out of any car that gets in its way.

A top-down racer with weapon-loaded cars and lots of criss-crossing sections of track, Supercars International always reminded me of playing with Scalextric, except with missiles and lots of other good stuff that I wish my toy cars had been able to use.

The train was the heart of it though. It might seem an odd thing to pick up on but I'd never seen a game with a moving part like that before - the cars move, of course, but here was another actor on the stage. And it was a train that smashed cars into tiny little pieces.

Nudging an opponent onto the track just as the train arrived was way more enjoyable than winning a race.

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