I survived Frostpunk's big freeze, but I might also be the worst human being alive
I am a monster
There were many times when I thought the icy-survival-freeze-em-up Frostpunk had got the better of me. After instantly losing a third of my survivors to the cold in the first ten minutes because I didn't realise you could actually turn on the city's central, life-giving generator before you'd finished collecting 200 coal, things just went from bad to worse. Everyone just kept on dying; there were never enough engineers to man my medical posts; I probably only had a total of 17 food rations at any given time; and that's before we get to the riots, continually plummeting temperatures and the general lack of literally everything.
Yet, somehow, we pulled through. We made it through the apocalyptic death cloud known as The Great Frost. I say we. That's myself and 22 other hardy individuals because the rest of my previously 300-strong population are currently piled ten-high in my now clearly overstuffed cemetery. Maybe the real death cloud of this game is… me?
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