Regular WAWAPPWPWAPPA??AW? readers will know that our John Walker vanishes into the woods at 5:30pm on Thursday and won't reappear until Monday morning, when he crawls out caked in mud then slips on a pristine three-piece suit. While everyone else sends me a Friday update on what they plan to play or do this weekend, all I hear from John is distant howling over the moors and the terrible sound of rending flesh. You'll know I rely on you to send in sightings for the good of us all.
This week, I have received a friendly message from John and grim silence from both Adam and Alec. Please, please assure me they're safe. Have you seen them?
Adam: [I don't know. I just don't know. Adam, where are you? And where are your arms, legs, fingers, guts etc?]
Alice: Ha ha I guess I'm the first one here, right guys? Guys? Hooo I'm sure it's fine. The cracking run of games continues round here. I still need to finish
Californium, and I've gone slack on
Devil Daggers long enough for pals to overtake me, and now
Superhot is here for more superstylish FPS fun. I still want to start on
Firewatch too. It's been a cracker of a gamemonth.
Graham: I just received a replacement plug for my Driving Force GT, so my plan this weekend is to finally put some hours into
American Truck Simulator. Failing that, I'll be continuing with
Life Is Strange and maybe trying to find a new game I can play over remote desktop from my laptop.
Hacknet? Maybe.
John: I don't understand what all the fuss has been about. I've been right here the whole time, playing Frogger.
This weekend I shall be entirely playing Far Cry Primal, which is finally out on PC this Tuesday a week after consoles, and yet Ubisoft are still putting me under embargo from making comment about it until Monday. Ladies and gentlemen, the games industry!
But I'm not scared of lawyers and giant corporations who could sue us off the face of a planet without standing up: IT'S GOT MAMMOTHS IN IT.
Come at me, Ubisoft.
Philippa: This weekend I am playing "tidy the house and then take pictures of it to show to potential tenants" for I am moving house soon. As games go this is not huge amounts of riotous fun but you do get into that zen cleaning state OR you get to listen to a backlog of podcasts so it's not all bad!
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?