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What is Drake Hollow? Answers, please, on a postcard...

Bet Drakes are nice roasted with bacon, though

I really bloody love The Molasses Flood's survival game The Flame In The Flood. You're on a little raft careening down the river with nothing but a dog and a big stick for company, and must survive by scavenging on the little islands you come across, poking out of the floodwater. It's tough, but charming, and has an absolutely slapping soundtrack. Plus: cute dog!

Drake Hollow is The Molasses Flood's new game, and it is currently out on Xbox but not yet out on PC. I do have an hexbawks, though, and since I also have Game Pass, and Drake Hollow is on Game Pass, and Drake Hollow is a Molasses Flood game, and I like Molasses Flood, I decided to spend an evening having a good ol' go on it. I came away thoroughly confused.

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