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Which jump-themed pop song will be used in 2022's Super Mario movie?

*record scratch* *freeze frame* Yup, that's a-me.

The loading screen of Super Mario64, with a smiling Mario staring at a star. The star is casting a light on his face.
Image credit: Nintendo

I don't agree that being mean is always the funniest joke, but it is often the easiest joke, and let's keep that in mind as we talk about next year's Mario movie. You know, the one where Mario will be played by Chris Pratt. In the event that the film turns out to be good, I will enjoy it - like how the Sonic film was actually pretty decent, especially James Marsden's star turn. But for now, Untitled Chris Pratt Mario Movie is bad, and a guilt-free laugh.

I saw this extremely funny bingo card on Twitter and my eye was drawn to a discussion in the replies. One of the square on the bingo card is "Jump by Kriss Kross plays" and someone else says they think it's "50/50 they choose Van Halen's "Jump" over Kriss Kross", which leads yet a third person to bring up House Of Pain. From this exchange I am 100% sure that a jump-themed song will feature in this film - but the question is which?

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