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The Foxer

To the thief who stole the spaniel-shaped RSPCA collection box from the defoxing annexe lobby while Maxine was helping Helen change the wheel on her Panda.

May dogs distrust you,
Cats boycott you,
And birds button their beaks in your presence.
May mice wake you,
Ticks warm to you,
And butterflies slam shut as you approach.
May bluebottles and blowflies
fly noisy circuits over your deathbed.

This cryptic collage has a hidden theme.

*       *       *



Last week's collage theme: childbirth (defoxed by phlebas and AFKAMC)

a FTL follow-up, Into the Breach (phlebas)
b Brendy (phuzz, JB)
c Natal Mounted Rifles cap badge (phlebas)
d Labour Party founder, Keir Hardie (phlebas)
e 1953 Coronation crown (Little_Crow, Lazzars)
f Whip-It! whipped cream chargers (phuzz)
g WW2 tank ace, Lafayette Pool (phlebas)
h Holyhead breakwater (mrpier)
i 'How the communication cord works' cigarette card (Gothnak)
j Bradley IFV (phuzz)
k Section C coastwatchers (phlebas, Lazzars)
l Honda Partner (unsolved)


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