A Day of Infamy: Buccaneer Demo Available.
There's been so much serious mining of the comic Pirate meme in the last few years that I'm kind of at a loss at how to introduce this now-available Steam-distributed Indie game. Why not just the facts, for once? Just to see how it feels. Buccaneer: The Pursuit of Infamy is the product of three and a half years of love from ex-Codemasters Stickman Studios and looks fun in a novel-concept and execution way. The demo features ten of the game's fifty-five (count 'em!) levels and a multiplayer one too for 16-player cannon-balling. I haven't had a chance to play it, due to being deep in something else for a large post later, but I'm going to definitely give it a shot later. Maybe even a grapeshot. Ah! Ah! Ah!
Leave me alone. It's early. Video beneath the cut.
Oh - and an interview with the developers over here.
Hmm. Just the facts felt dirty. Won't do it again.