A Hard Rain Comes: City Rain
Crikey. I have to take this as a good omen. Starting the day with a new indie game and - whisper it - it's really genuinely quite original. Crikey. Which is, of course, a cue for those in the comments thread to point me in the direction of the enormous sub-genre of Sim City meets Tetris games which I've been missing. That's exactly what City Rain is. Buildings fall from the heavens. You have to arrange them into functional, ecologically friendly cities. The demo includes the first few levels of the campaign, which ease you in, a quick play mode which is as panicked as "Tetris Meets Sim City" sounds. You even have to occasionally deal with enormous Tetris-block agglomerations of multiple building types due to mischeviously bastardly city planners. You can get the demo here, buy the full game for ten dollars and see footage below...
I found the demo of this the freshest puzzle game I've played in ages. I'm totally going to try and blag a full version.