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A Scarlet Letter: Redder

As mentioned earlier, I realised when I was off in Seattle Auntie "Mighty Jill Off" Pixelante released her new game, Redder. It's a much larger project, browser-based and a large, exploratory platformer. Initially, I was disappointed, but it's grown on me and if I go back and finish it, I may even end up writing more. For the yanks, it'll probably remind you lot of something on the Nintendo. Being British, it reminded me of Nodes of Yesod's Underwurlde-in-space-riff and - even odder - Harlequin. It's something about its mix of C64 (the sprites) and Amiga (the copper-banding) aesthetics. While it's neither or brutal or as life-affirming as VVVVVV, I suspect if you enjoyed that, you'll find a trip through these tunnels worthwhile. You can go play it here.

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