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A Snippet Of Snapshot

In my life I've shot about 100 bullets and taken about 12 billion photographs, so why are the stats in games skewed towards bangthings? I'll tell you why: Gov't funded Big Ammo have been lobbying to have guns replace photographs in all games. Doom was originally about photographing demon families for their Christmas cards, until the developers were visited in the dead of night. Then it mysteriously became about killing things with bullets. Check the game code. It's all in the code, people! Well brave soldiers Retro Affect are fighting the good fight with Snapshot, their bullet-free platform game where you use photos of the environment to solve puzzles. Five minutes of Zapruder-beating footage is right here. You can't stop the signal!

Pixabyte's Indie Interview covers a lot of aspects of the game, but reading between the lines I can tell it's a call to non-arms. Everybody: grab a camera and reclaim the streets!

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The release date remains "To Be Announced", but you can be damn sure we'll be sending a press entourage to obnoxiously fire cameras off in the developers' faces at the first hint of one.

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