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A Unclean Slate: White

This is a lovely, simple, violent, artistic idea, fairly well executed. White is a thing of horrible cuteness made by students at students at ENJIM, a French design school. Essentially, it's an FPS set on a blank canvas. Patrolling this canvas are various little bug dudes who waddle about, getting into staring contests with each other and warbling to vague tunes. You are a shooter chap armed with a series of weapons, including a gravity gun for moving the little blighters around. Each weapon has a different effect on the bugs, which bleed their colour on to the canvas when maimed. A shotgun turns them into a splat, a machinegun will send them running, while bleeding out a trail of their colour, and the grenade thing just splatters them everywhere... You get the idea. As you kill, you draw. Hit Esc and you can see what you have drawn with the paint-gore of your victims. I suppose I should have drawn the RPS logo, but I will leave that to someone with more time, and less sense.

Oh, and my 360 pad messed with the keyboard controls. Stupid thing. Trailer below. (It's free to play, too.)

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