Team Meat's Live Action Stealth: A Voyeur For September
Ba de ya - voyeur in September
Team Meat, makers of Super Meat Boy, have announced their intent to become an indie game developer. What does that mean? That's my cruel way of saying that the two-person team have put their previously announced new game Mew-Genics on hold, and released a fuzzy, live-action trailer for a new game called A Voyeur For September, about which there are no details other than that it's a "live action stealth game". That video is embedded below.
Taking off my grumpy hat for a second, Team Meat have the right to do whatever they want (obv) and I can't say that I'm not intrigued. Before Super Meat Boy, co-developer Edmund McMillen was known for a ton of different experimental games. The thought that he and his Team Meat partner Tommy Refenes might use the freedom (i.e. money) brought by Super Meat Boy's success to carry out similar experimental projects but on a larger (i.e. more expensive?) scale is exciting.
More of the game should be shown at this year's PAX Prime on August 29th and while Mew-Genics is on hold until Voyeur In September is finished, it's not cancelled, and we should still have the opportunity to breed mutant kittens in the future.