Absurd-o-Deal: 18 THQ Games For £26/$50
Steam's got some sort of mad Christmas Turkeytime sale on at the moment, tearing big chunks of money-flesh out of a different clutch of titles each day until Monday. Keep an eye on the deals here, as we're not going to post about it every blimmin' day. What did your last slave die of? This one's worth its own mention though - 50% off the complete pack of every THQ game on Steam, whose total discount now rips £183.33 off the price of buying each game individually. That's the complete Red Faction, Company of Heroes, Full Spectrum Warrior, Titan Quest and Dawn of War lineages to date, Saints Row II, Stalker, and er, Juiced 2 and Frontlines Fuel of War. £26.50 to Brits, $50 to Americans and €50 to the rest of Europe. WE WIN! FOR ONCE, WE WIN! Essentially, 18 games for the price of buying Red Faction Guerilla or Dawn of War II on its own. Good'un, this.