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Adventure+Jumping = Adventurumping: Aaru's Awakening

A platform game? Looking for crowd-endorsement? Well, I never. Next you'll be telling me that the Duke of Wellington is sailing down Oxford Street in a sailboat made of licorice allsorts.

Lumenox's Aaru's Awakening is doing the Greenlight dance as we speak, but has a demo to support its argument that the people deserve a visually lavish, hand-drawn 2D platformer.

Here's what it looks like. it has a sort of late 70s animation feel that for some reason made my brain reference Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings:

As for the game behind the art, we're looking a dude who can charge and teleport, adventurumping through a world of light threatened by forces of darkness. The word 'dreamy' is used quite a bit in the official description.

A 200mb demo, in PC and PC-for-people-who-don't-research-technology-purchases flavours, is available here. If you're suitably charmed, make yourself known in the chaotic simulacrum of digital democracy that is Greenlight here.

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