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Full Power To Guns: Aerobat Looks V. Swish

Bang bang

"Oooh that does look nice!" I muttered at a gif clip retweeted before my eyes, staring at the 'clouds of Going Really Fast' kicked up by a aircraft skimming above the ground. "What is it?"

The answer is Aerobat [official site], an upcoming 2D side-scrolling shoot 'em up where you can power weapons or engines - but not both at the same time. Here, come watch a trailer to watch the ship zoom upwards then tumble back down spitting zapbeams.

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Coo, that's not half bad, is it? Awful pretty. And that trailer's from back in January.

As you'll have seen by now - watch the gif and trailer if you haven't, sheesh (unless mobile data or work firewalls or something forbid that right now, in which case I'm sorry for assuming a universality of experience) - Aerobat will have players ducking and weaving between enemies while the engines charge, then zipping upwards to tumble and rain hell.

"The game is designed with a heavy emphasis on split-second risk vs reward decisions — your greatest victories will be achieved through reckless self-endangerment," says lone developer Matthew 'Thew' Yeager. Aye, I like the sound of that all right. He says the mouse controls have "near zero input latency", which will be hugely important here.

No word on a release date yet, but it's confirmed for Windows and may hit Mac and Linux too.

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