A Fine Haul Of Booty: Air Buccaneers Now Free
Hard to starboard! Man the guns!
Something about the concept of "airship crews try to blow each other out of the sky" made AirBuccaneers popular in the RPS treehouse since its beginnings as a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, when we organised irregular matches with you motley crew. If you too wish to man guns, take the wheel, lead boarding parties, bomb from gliders, or generally murder lots of men in silly ways, good news! Developers Ludocraft have now made their commercial follow-up AirBuccaneers HD free to everyone, so you can grab it on Steam and begin plundering today.
This came as the game turned two years old last week. "In honor of this anniversary we decided to bring more battle, joy and happiness to your holiday season," Ludocraft say. We get a pleasant game to play, the multiplayer community gets a fresh jolt of new players, and Ludocraft get to enjoy the spirit of giving while also raising their profile a little.
"Soon it's the end of the year and the Ragnarok is getting closer..." Ludocraft noted in their announcement. One could read an awful lot into that if desired, speculating about future developments in AirBuccaneers' weird Norse world. Or it might simply be a nice way to say "We're all doomed, we're all going to die - yes, even you."