Alt.Rezzed: Indie, Boardgames, Jam
OK, we have been somewhat keen-o in telling you what's going on at the Rezzed PC gaming show in Brighton this weekend, but as something of a moveable feast the announcements have usually been as fresh to us as they are to the people we bellow them at. There's not much left to announce now, but there are a few important, hitherto undisclosed treats which bear your attention. Specifically, the Leftfield Collection of smart, inventive, atmospheric indie games, the boardgames area and a hyper-speed live gamejam.
The Leftfield Collection is an assortment of indie games known and unknown, constituting somewhere smart and in some regards ambient to let your brain flee to once you've had enough of shooting digi-men over in the mainstream section. It will include these fine creations:
You'll recognise a few names there, while others will be fresh'n'new to us lot too. The creators of many of these will be in attendance at the show to explain their wares/fractured minds to you, should you so wish.
That's running throughout the show, as is another alternative sort of gaming. The Rezzed Boardgame Barracks will contain an assortment of cardboard delights, provided by the kindly folks at Esdevium Games and the companies they represent, plus oodles of tables, chairs and willing opponents/comrades to impress your dice and card skills with. We'll also have some experts on hand to help out with rules and things, and I'll occasionally be popping my head in to play and check no-one's stealing any pieces.
The splendid boardgames that will be appearing in this section include:
And a few more, less involved games for those short on time.
For those who are not short on time and will still be at Rezzed come 4pm on the Saturday, I'd like to invite you to attend the live, one-hour gamejam everyone's been stupid enough to put me in charge of. In a desperately short space of time, we're hoping to have devs from the likes of Mode 7, Indie Stone, The Creative Assembly, Littleloud, Thomas Was Alone and Skulls of the Shogun and more super-talented folk frantically creating insta-videogames based on audience-suggested themes. It's going to be carnage. It's going to be amazing. It might even be inspiring. You should come watch.
Helpfully, some tickets are still available if you fancy popping along to Brighton this Friday and Saturday. You know where to go for them.
See you there, I hope. I'll be wearing my lucky underpants and everything.