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Altering Beasts: Exeunt

'Dodge-em-up' Exeunt, from a chap who's previously worked with Introversion and Beatnik, looks to be doing something fairly expansive with the autorunning genre. It claims to be promoting reflection upon what humanity is doing to its beleaguered planet, but that's not really why it made my slightly sticky-out ears prick up. Not because I don't care about the environment - listen, some of my best friends are environments - but because the central mechanic is that much more scintillating to an animal nerd such as I. While you're doing your jumpy-dodgy thing through a collapsing and reforming industrial horrorscape, you must switch rapidly from beast to beast to better manouvre around the deadly environment. I can make out rhino, big cat and deer forms so far, while the screenshots reveal a naked man's in the mix too. I'm holding out for an Iron Man mode in which you can only play as a hamster.

Take a look below; it's still early doors for Exeunt so don't expect too much shiny-shiny, but it gets across the appealing concept.

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I didn't know pumas could walljump, I'll admit. Also, not sure how the deer's abilities differ from the cat: but all will no doubt be revealed.

In theory, Exeunt is due in the third quarter of this year. Unless the Earth really has collapsed into a post-industrial ecopocalypse before the Summer, at least.

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