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Always Standing In The Dungeon At Parties

News reaches us that Dungeon Party has released some new screenshots. Which is a surprise. Not because they released new screenshots - people do that all the time. But that there was a game called Dungeon Party at all, as somehow we'd missed it. Man! It's from Cyanide - currently working on Chaos League 2 Blood Bowl and is a comedy, competitive action-MMO. Which is also Free. From watching the trailers and reading between the line, it appears to be a cross between Gauntlet and Capture the Flag with a fairly cute comedy wrapper. Oh - and it's out early next year, apparently. And here's that first trailer we somehow missed...

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Actually, this could be fun. I'm also thinking Dynablaster/Bomberman and Spy Versus Spy by looking at the game in the action. And there's certainly enough of these free games from mainstream developers to be called a trend now. Quickly! Someone pitch an article at Edge.

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